Australia’s no.1 trusted online medical product supplier, supplying medical product solutions for over 20 years.

AEDs Save Lives - Every workplace should have one
An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a device that checks a person’s heart and delivers an electric shock if it has stopped beating normally.
If a person suddenly collapses, they may be suffering from sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and SCA is serious. It means that the person’s heart has stopped pumping blood and they need help fast.
If this happens, blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs. SCA usually causes death if it's not treated within minutes by an AED.
SCA is not the same as a heart attack. A heart attack occurs if blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked. During a heart attack, the heart usually doesn't suddenly stop beating. SCA, however, may happen after or during recovery from a heart attack.
You don't need to remember these distinctions as when the Philips AED instructs you to put the pads on the victim, it will sense the heart rhythm and determine the best steps to take, giving you guidance througout.
Find out more HERE
Australia’s no.1 trusted medical product supplier
Supplying medical product solutions for over 20 years AMA Medical Products are Australia’s no.1 trusted online medical product supplier
Our large selection, fast nationwide delivery and affordable prices mean that everywhere from the single-doctor clinic to the large metropolitan hospitals can easily get the medical products and supplies they require.
Who We Are
AMA Medical Products is one of six fully owned business subsidiaries of the international investment business, Orange Infinity.
We have been supplying medical product solutions for over 20 years and remain the only medical products distribution business in existence that is linked to the nation’s leading medical representative body. -
Why Choose Us
AMA Medical Products is a market leading supplier and distributor of high quality medical products.
Six main product categories include medical consumables, medical equipment, surgical instruments, vaccines, pharmaceuticals & medicines and a broad range of medical text books to meet the needs of medical students, nursing students, the General Practitioner and Medical Specialists.